AMEA-Action Plans and Challenges for Ocean Literacy by AMEA

AMEA-Action Plans and Challenges for Ocean Literacy by AMEA

AMEA-Action Plans and Challenges for Ocean Literacy by AMEA

  • 作者
    Asia Marine Educators Association
  • 出版
    Asia Marine Educators Association
  • 出版日期
  • 語言
  • 頁數
  • 支援裝置
    • PC/NB
    • Tablet
    • Mobile








|01 Introduction

|02 AMEA ocean Literacy Strategic Goals and Obiectives

|03 Ocean Literacy: A Key to Addressing Ocean Challenges

|04 Best Practices in Ocean Literacy Promotion
 4-1. OPRl's Efforts in Promoting Ocean Literacy
 4-2. Ocean Town Community School (OTCS) Network Promotion Headquarters Was launched
 4-3. Establishment of Taiwan Marine Education Center (TMEC): A Step Towards Sustainable Marine Education  Development
 4-4. Integrate National Resources to Build A Ocean Literacy Benchmark Nation (OLBN) by OAC
 4-5. Efforts and Success Toward Ocean Literate Society in Korea
 4-6. Supporting The Implementation of Marine Resource Management from The Local Level in Indonesia Through The  Indonesian Marine Education Network (IMEN) Group
 4-7. Advancing Ocean Literacy: Best Practices in The Philippines for The UN Ocean Decade
 4-8. Regional Cooperation and Ocean Literacy in The Philippines
 4-9. Guide for Best Practices on Ocean Literacy Promotion in The Philippines
 4-10. Fostering Ocean Literacy and Sustainability: The Role Of BGFB in Bangladesh
 4-11. Empowering Ocean Literacy: Insights from The Indian ECOPs Meet 2023
 4-12. EnviroVision 2050: A Multi-perspective Approach to Ocean Literacy in India
 4-13. Marine Education in Australia: A Historical Perspective and Current Initiatives
 4-14. lmplementing Marine Science Curriculums to Increase Ocean Literacy - The Harbour School Hong Kong

|05 Fostering Education and Awareness

|06 Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

|07 Marine Educator Training Course

|08 Youth Engagement to Extend The Social Network
 8-1. Strategies for Taiwanese Youth Participation in Promoting National Ocean Literacy
 8-2. Underwater Love: A Coral Conservation Initiative in Shenzhen Dapeng New District
 8-3. Nitobe lnazo's Legacy: Education, Character, and International Cooperation for A Sustainable World
 8-4. The 3rd Ocean Science Big Data Contest: Promoting Ocean and Data Literacy for A Sustainable Future
 8-5. Youth-Led Initiatives in Bangladesh: Promoting Ocean Conservation and Sustainability
 8-6. Active Engagement of The Youth in Ocean Decade and Literacy: The Philippine Social Network Participation
 8-7. Empowering Filipino Youth for Ocean Literacy and Sustainable Ocean Management: The Ocean Decade Initiative
 8-8. Reef Stakes®: Bridging The Gap Through Unconventional Tools for Ocean Literacy
 8-9. Riding the Wave of Inspiration: Uniting, Igniting Passion, Empowering Youth for Marine Conservation

|09 Conclusion and Next Steps

|10 AMEi Board

|11 AMEA Advisory Board Members

|12 AMEA Youth committee

|13 Authors of The Handbook

|14 Sponsor

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亞洲海洋教育者協會 (AMEA)

亞洲海洋文化具多元性,因此需要根據其特殊性結合相關資源,為了促進並提升亞洲地區海洋素養,亞洲海洋教育者協會 (AMEA) 於2015年,由美國國家海洋教育者協會(NMEA)所同意創建。協會致力於亞洲地區的海洋教育資訊,並為海洋教育工作者提供相關資源及網絡。



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